This December,The GoldLabelAfrica Outreach in collaboration with its partners choose to spend time with the inmates in Nsawam doing time. We will like to give the inmates of a correctional facility a chance to share their stories and how being on the inside has transformed their lives as well as make merry and jolly as we spread the joy of the yuletide..Join us on … Continue reading BEHIND BARS

Osu Night Market comes alive by The Powers Of 10, May 8

Accra has all the natural assets and historical and socio – cultural advantage to make it a place beloved by its ‘indigenes’ and visitors alike. We love Accra, but do we invest emotionally in it? How can creatives, and we all are, engage with our built and cultural spaces uniquely for sustainable change? It starts with rediscovering our neighborhoods and streets, and appropriating it for common … Continue reading Osu Night Market comes alive by The Powers Of 10, May 8

20 Ingenious Ways to Keep a Relationship Exciting

Many couples complain of boredom, lack of sex and less communication after being together for years on end. Here are 20 genius ways to fight that. By Lianne Choo  Contrary to what many people think, keeping the spark alive in a long term relationship is not that easy to do. Work, kids, mortgages and life in general tend to put a damper on the passion, … Continue reading 20 Ingenious Ways to Keep a Relationship Exciting

Everything You Need to Know About an Open Relationship

There’s an alternative to feeling stuck with the same person for the rest of your life. See if opening up to other partners can help you out. By Eli Walton  What does it really mean to be unfaithful? To most people, the answer is to have an intimate encounter with someone outside of your relationship. But if your partner knows, and gives you the consent … Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About an Open Relationship